Liberty BASIC versions

Liberty BASIC is a piece of software that makes programming Windows easy
Sep 30, 2015
Mar 7, 2008
Editorial review
Nov 28, 2013

What's new

v4.5 [Aug 23, 2015]
- Memory space raised to 1GB from 70MB
- Ctrl click on a branch label or SUB name to jump to that place in the code
- Double click on a variable name or handle to highlight other occurences of that item in yellow
- New httpget$() function so now you can get a file from a webserver without API calls
- New string functions make it easier to do some things and with faster performance.
- upto$(sourceString$, search$
- after$(sourceString$, search$
- afterlast$(sourceString$, search$)
- endswith(sourceString$, search$)
- remchar$(sourceString$, removeThese$)
- Removed arbitrary limitations on the baud rates that can be specified when opening a serial port.
- Upgraded to NTPort v2.8 from v2.3 to add compatibility for 64-bit versions of Windows.
- The Liberty BASIC editor now remembers its size and location when you start LB.
- Added a filter bad characters feature in the LB editor help the compiler, especially when code is pasted in from a web browser.
- Increased the FILEDIALOG length of the file path from 128 to 260 which is the Windows file dialog maximum path length.
- Added FIND, FINDBACK, and RESETFIND commands to the text window and texteditor control.
- Added !backcolor and !forecolor commands to texteditor controls and text windows
- Several bug fixes.

Alternative downloads

Microsoft Small Basic
Microsoft Small Basic

Simplified version of Visual Basic.

BBC BASIC for Windows
BBC BASIC for Windows

Advanced implementation of BBC BASIC for PCs.

Run BASIC Free Edition
Run BASIC Free Edition

Web programming for people who really like to program.

AVerMedia Capture SDK Basic
AVerMedia Capture SDK Basic

Develop vertical applications using a complete set of functional modules.

LB Builder
LB Builder

An IDE for the Liberty BASIC windows programming language based on Scintilla.